Panel Engagement
Our dedicated team of experts keep our respondents active and motivated to take part in research studies offered to them

Targeted Surveys
Inviting participants only to relevant surveys means they’re screened out less often resulting in higher satisfaction. We also re-route a screened out panellist to another survey for which they fit the target criteria so they still have the opportunity to take part in a study.

Engagement Surveys
These surveys help us not only to keep our profiling up to date but also keep our panellists active and interested in taking part in our research

Truly Rewarding
We pay generous incentives to our verified B2B members for their honest and genuine participation that ensures their time and opinion is valued and respected. We have a wide range of reward options for our member to choose from such as Paypal, virtual Mastercard/ VISA, Amazon coupons and charities’. We believe looking after our panellists is key to our success